by DARCY543HAM | May 14, 2022 | Blog
We Use Social Media To Better Serve You THERE ARE A LOT OF REASONS why businesses participate in social media. First and foremost, we’re using social media to better serve you—our valued patients and friends. But unlike many businesses, our social media efforts to...
by DARCY543HAM | May 14, 2022 | Blog, Family Dentistry, General Dentistry
Oral Health And Whole Body Health Are Closely Linked THERE ARE MORE BACTERIA IN YOUR MOUTH RIGHT THIS MINUTE than there are people on this planet. Thoughtful dental health is about SO much more than avoiding cavities. Preventative dental care is essential to an...
by DARCY543HAM | May 14, 2022 | Blog, Family Dentistry, General Dentistry
The Effects Of Electronic Cigarettes On Teeth THEY’RE SOMETIMES REFERRED TO AS “e-cigs” or “vapes”. Regardless of what they’re called, they’re not good for your health—or your smile. A New Twist In The Same Ol’ Story The oral health risks associated with traditional...
by DARCY543HAM | May 13, 2022 | Blog, Family Dentistry, General Dentistry
Back To Basics: The DO’s And DON’Ts Of Toothbrushing BRUSHING OUR TEETH is something we do everyday. And yet it’s easy to fall into a routine of bad habits if we’re not careful! Developing correct brushing techniques and sticking to them is crucial to the...
by DARCY543HAM | May 13, 2022 | Blog, General Dentistry
An Investment In Your Smile May Help Avert The Crisis Of Midlife PEOPLE JOKE ABOUT A SO-CALLED MIDLIFE “CRISIS”. But instead, let’s consider it a “midlife wake-up”! Changes during midlife are very real. They can stress our bodies and our lives… hormonal shifts happen...
by DARCY543HAM | May 13, 2022 | Blog, Family Dentistry, General Dentistry
Brightening Your Smile Is Easy! IS YOUR SMILE AS WHITE as it used to be? Even good oral hygiene won’t prevent tooth discoloration forever. While daily brushing and flossing help keep your teeth clean and healthy, it’s normal to feel like your smile is lacking some...