by DARCY543HAM | May 22, 2022 | Blog, Family Dentistry, General Dentistry
A Toothpaste Timeline OUR NIGHTLY BRUSHING ROUTINE wouldn’t be complete without that minty-fresh toothpaste tingle, right? But toothpaste hasn’t always been soft and minty. Years ago, it was less pleasant to use. Toothpaste Existed As Early As 5000 B.C. The oldest...
by DARCY543HAM | May 22, 2022 | Blog, Family Dentistry, General Dentistry
Calcium Isn’t Just Good For Bones—It Benefits Your Smile Too! WE’VE ALL BEEN TOLD (and many of us tell our children) that milk builds strong bones. But our nutritional and dietary preferences are not only widely varied, they also change from time to time....
by DARCY543HAM | May 22, 2022 | Blog, Family Dentistry, General Dentistry
How Do Your Brushing Habits Compare? WE’RE SUPPOSED TO BRUSH twice a day for two minutes each time. How many of us actually do that? See how you measure up! From a recent poll: 49% of men brush their teeth only once a day. 57% of women brush their teeth only once a...
by DARCY543HAM | May 22, 2022 | Blog, General Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry
Don’t Let Gingivitis Keep You From Smiling YOU’RE SITTING IN THE DENTAL CHAIR, everything going as planned at your checkup, until your dentist tells you that you have gingivitis. If you haven’t heard of gingivitis before you’re probably thinking, “What is...
by DARCY543HAM | May 22, 2022 | Blog, Family Dentistry, General Dentistry
Know Your Gum Health Numbers! HAVE YOU EVER BEEN LAID BACK in our dental chair wondering what the numbers mean that a hygienist calls out while examining your gums? They’re readings of the gum pocket depths in your mouth, and they’re an important part of monitoring...