by DARCY543HAM | May 21, 2022 | Blog, Family Dentistry, General Dentistry
Pets Need Their Teeth Brushed Too! DID YOU KNOW THAT FEBRUARY is Pet Dental Health Month? That’s right! Your pets need their teeth taken care of too! While their teeth don’t require quite as much attention as ours do, your pet’s teeth still need a little tender loving...
by DARCY543HAM | May 20, 2022 | Blog, Family Dentistry, General Dentistry
Ice Cravings: A Sign Of Something More? DO YOU EVER WONDER WHY many people enjoy chewing their leftover ice after finishing a nice refreshing drink? It may surprise you to learn that the cool crunch of the ice may not be the only thing drawing people to chew those...
by DARCY543HAM | May 20, 2022 | Blog, Family Dentistry, General Dentistry
What Causes Bad Breath? LET’S JUST SAY IT… bad breath is unpleasant. And yet we’ve all suffered from it. Sometimes, however, it’s worse than others. You may wonder, what causes bad breath? And perhaps more importantly, what is the best way to prevent it? Bad breath,...
by DARCY543HAM | May 20, 2022 | Blog, Family Dentistry, General Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry
Considerations For Dental Patients With Special Needs FOR BOTH CHILDREN AND ADULTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS, dental care can be challenging. In some cases, limited coordination can make brushing and flossing tricky. In other cases there may be less access to professional...
by DARCY543HAM | May 20, 2022 | Blog, Family Dentistry, General Dentistry
Saying Goodbye To Your Old Toothbrush THE AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION STRONGLY SUGGESTS that we replace our toothbrushes every 3–4 months for maximum effectiveness. Know When To Say Goodbye Take a close look at your toothbrush bristles. Are they frayed? Smashed?...